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Showing posts from September, 2019

Artifici(Al)ove 日本語版

人工知能( AI )は、機械、特にコンピューターシステムによる人間の知能プロセスのシミュレーションです -Google 人間について考えるとき、頭に浮かぶ最初の考えは何ですか?世界中の異なる言語で互いに通信する能力ですか? それは私たちが感情を示し、それに応じてそれらの感情に反応する方法ですか?それとも、私たちのユニークな自分自身を作るすべての部分を含めて、私たちが物理的に作られている方法ですか?さて、もし私たちが非出生者が同じことをすることができる世界に住んでいると言ったらどうでしょうか?あなたのセラピストがあなたを診断し、うつ病を治療するのに役立つロボットだったとしたら、あなたは個人レベルで知っている自分のガールフレンドを作り、あなたはあなたの一日がどうだったかを尋ねる仮想の友人に帰ってきます。これは Ashley-O Black Mirror のようなもののように思えるかもしれませんが、人間の相互作用に関する AI の最新の進歩は非常に現実的であり、後戻りの兆しを見せていません。 ここ ArtificiaLove では、 AI がどのように私たちを助け、私たちに害を与え、今日の社会情勢の中で私たちを単に変なものにするかを探っていきます。心臓手術を行うロボットから、初めての AI セックス人形の売春宿まで、私たちは好奇心と意見を世界中の人々と共有しています。私たちの社会規範は常に変化しており、人間の相互作用の伝統的な定義は曖昧になっています。心を広げ、腕を開き、「人間」である時です。

Build Your Own Girlfriend

Welcome back to to Artifici(Al)ove, today we are going to investigate something that may sound foreign to you, that may also make you feel uncomfortable just by visualizing it. Today we are talking about the up and coming emergence of lifelike AI dolls and the attraction to this phenomenon.  From the famous tag line of the 1972 science fiction western thriller Westworld, “boy, do we have a vacation for you”, a world to live out your craziest fantasies minus the “human” repercussions is born. The movie takes place in a fantastical world where people can pay to interact in everyday environments with a catch, its run by androids who quiescently look indistinguishable to human beings. As the movie states “for a small payment you can live out your wildest dreams.” Now this may seem far-fetched, but the underlining message of non-human interplay is not far from what we are experiencing today. The mix of AI and human like dolls is allowing the fantastical Westworld fantasy to b...

The Rise Of The AI Girlfriend

Internet, since its creation and implementation to the public, has brought up many benefits to most of our society. Communicating is now easier than ever, information has become more and more readily available through the internet, since its creation and implementation to the public, has brought up many benefits to most of our society. Introverts can now have their very own online girlfriends. They're not only on the web though, they come as apps and games as well across many other platforms. And in recent times, their growth from simple decision tree games such as Date Ariane to full-out AI systems such as Microsoft's Ruuh hasn't gone unnoticed. Relationships and sex is at the core of human essence, and a ubiquitous platform such as the internet didn't take long to catch up. In the beginnings, it wasn't through games and definitely not AI that you 'met' your online girlfriend. Chat Rooms are at the core of it all. These were the first form of the on...

Whitney Cummings' Sex Robot

In this section of the blog we focus on making things more interactive and easier to watch, quite literally! Tell us what you think. Today we bring you a Netflix Star, Whitney Cummings, and her encounter with sex robots, and her husband.

Flirty or Friendzone? New AI Scans Your Texts for True Love

This section of the blog is going to be brought to you every tuesday, highlighting some of the news which interested “us” in the recent times. Today's piece comes from Wired. The original link can be found down below. Enjoy! Flirty or Friendzone? New AI Scans Your Texts for True Love A new class of apps can use machine intelligence to determine if your text conversations are imbued with hidden romantic sparks. PHOTOGRAPH: SAM MELLISH/IN PICTURES/GETTY IMAGES Every good love story has a moment in which the precious ingénue, blind to the complexities of the world, misinterprets the lover's move. Sally mistakes Harry's interest for friendship. Romeo, believing Juliet to be dead, poisons himself. The folly of love is not so much about what we do when we are flooded with feelings, but what can happen when we have incomplete data. This is perhaps why a crop of new apps have arrived, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence , to offer relationship a...


Artificial intelligence ( AI ) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems - Google When we think of a human being, what is the first thought to pop in our minds? Is it the  ability to communicate amongst each other in different languages across the globe? Is it the way we show emotions and react to those emotions accordingly? Or is it the  way we are physically made including all the parts that make our unique selves, us.  Now what if I told you that we lived in a world where a non-birthed being could do  the same? What if your therapist was a robot who could help diagnose you and treat your depression, you built your own girlfriend who you now know on a personal level and you come home to a virtual friend who asks you how your day was. This might seem like some Ashley-O Black Mirror shit, but the newest advances of AI in relation to human interaction are very real and showing no signs of ...